

Office Bearers

Past Masters






(click on picture)

Grand Lodge Crest

The Grand Lodge of Scotland

Provides links to sites of other Masonic interest, as well as sites of Scottish interest in general.

Salfire crest

Lodge Salfire No.1505

This lodge meets in the Dennistoun area of Glasgow and was originally founded by members of the Glasgow Rate and Salvage Corps and the Glasgow Fire Service. Good site with a very good history of the lodge and it's office bearers.

Caley Railway Crest

Lodge The Caledonian Railway No.354

This lodge meets in Stevenson Street in the East End of Glasgow and dates back to the mid 1800's. Another good site and well worth a visit.

Internet Lodge Crest

Internet Lodge No.9659 (English Constitution)

The Internet Lodge was formed in 1998 to promote the use of modern technologies between Lodges and other Masonic Organisations. The lodge is a member of the Provincial grand Lodge of East Lancashire under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England.

The Grand Lodge Of British Columbia

A good site with many links and also some very useful free to download graphics like the one on the left.